campus security authority

campus security authority


Who is a Campus Security Authority?

In addition to the members of the Vincennes University Police Department, the following are considered to be Campus Security Authorities, hereafter referred to as CSAs:

  • Individuals with campus security responsibility – for example 澳门足球博彩官方网址 campus safety officer staff and Vincennes University event staff.
  • An individual or organization identified in the campus statement of Policies for Reporting Criminal Actions and Emergencies as an individual or organization to which students and employees should report criminal offenses.
  • Any official with significant responsibility for student and campus activities. This includes officials who manage or otherwise oversee student and campus activities. For example, staff responsible for campus student housing, a student center, or student activities; a director of athletics or a team coach; faculty advisors to student groups; staff responsible for student discipline, and campus judicial staff.

What are Campus Security Authorities required to do?

CSAs are responsible for reporting all those allegations of crimes specified in the Clery Act that are reported to them and that they were made in good faith to the Vincennes University Police Department.

The crimes specified in the Clery Act are:

  • Murder/non-negligent manslaughter
  • Negligent manslaughter
  • Forcible and non-forcible sex offenses
  • Robbery
  • Aggravated assault
  • Burglary
  • Motor vehicle theft
  • Arson
  • If there is evidence that the perpetrator was motivated by bias, then:
  • Simple assault
  • Larceny (theft)
  • Intimidation
  • Vandalism

If there is evidence that the perpetrator was motivated by bias, then: simple assault, larceny (theft), intimidation, and vandalism must be reported as well.

Timely submission of reports by CSAs is very important. If a crime is reported to a CSA, but goes no farther than that, 澳门足球博彩官方网址 will be unable to fully meet its obligations under the law.

Moreover, the campus community may lack information that could help them to stay safe.

students playing volleyball


CSAs are not responsible for determining whether a crime took place. CSAs are also not responsible for attempting to apprehend an alleged perpetrator of a crime. These are matters best left to law enforcement personnel. CSAs should refrain from attempting to convince a victim to contact law enforcement if the victim chooses not to do so. However, they may note that crimes can be reported to the police anonymously.


When a crime is reported to a CSA, they should first ask the reporting party if they would like to report the crime to the police. If they would, they should contact the VINCENNES UNIVERSITY POLICE DEPARTMENT at 812-888-5555. The police department is located at 1201 N. Second Street. In the event that an in-progress emergency is being reported, the reporting party should be advised to call 911 immediately. If they are unable to, the CSA may do so on their behalf.

If the reporting party does not want to contact the police about the crime, the CSA should complete a Campus Security Authority Crime Report. Even if the reporting party does wish to contact the police about the crime, the CSA may complete the form for their records (check the appropriate box for the law enforcement agency the crime was/will be reported to). The procedure for completing the form is as follows:

      • Ask if they have reported, or are going to report, the crime to the police. Advise them that reporting a crime to the police does not commit them to filing charges. Crimes may be reported anonymously if the victim/reporting party so desires.
      • Personal identifying information for the reporting party should be included if available. This will help to avoid double counting crimes. No such personal identifying information will be included in the Clery statistical disclosures.
      • If a victim does not want the report to go any further than the CSA, they should be advised that the CSA is required to submit the report for statistical purposes. However, the report can be submitted without identifying the victim.
      • It is very important that the location of the crime is reported as precisely as possible. A building name, parking lot number, close address, or cross street should be provided.
      • A description of the crime should be given, including as much detail as possible. This is to aid in the determination of exactly what crime occurred. It is important to note any injuries sustained or weapons used. The reporting party should indicate if they feel that the perpetrator committed the crime because of bias; and, if so, what lead them to believe that to be the case.
      • Check the appropriate boxes on the form. Consult the definitions provided below or above the form as needed. If in doubt, contact the Police Chief at 812-888-5555 or POLICECHIEF@VINU.EDU. Liquor, drug, and weapon offenses are reported when an arrest (including a citation) is involved or a referral for university disciplinary action is made. Note the number of people arrested or referred.
      • If possible, determine what Clery Act geographical location the crime occurred in. Consult the location definitions provided below as needed. If in doubt, contact the Police Chief at 812-888-5555 or POLICECHIEF@VINU.EDU. When the form is completed, please forward it as soon as possible to the Vincennes University Police Department at Safety and Information Building, SIB, Bldg 57. The form may also be submitted by Fax to 812-888-5144. Some departments may wish to retain a copy for their files. If so, the forms should be retained for at least three years.

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